Wondering why your once quiet AC is now squealing, banging, or clicking? Concerned whether it’s an easy fix or a major problem?
For Broussard and Lafayette citizens, Tim’s Southern Air offers reliable AC maintenance, answers to these questions, and professional AC repair or replacement if necessary.
Possible Reasons For A Loud AC
As AC units have multiple components, one can be loud for numerous different reasons. For instance, your refrigerant lining could be too tight. If this is the case, call an HVAC technician to adjust the AC and resolve the issue.
Problems With The Motor
Problems with the motor include a loose piece of hardware in the motor or the motor failing. If this is the case, call an experienced technician ASAP. In the event your motor has failed, call a professional to prevent disconnection or further damage.
If you hear a distinct buzzing sound, this means that your AC is running down and replacement is needed.
The problem could also be with your isolation padding, which is used to absorb noise produced by an AC unit’s internal parts. An increased noise level will occur as isolation padding crumbles and breaks over time, meaning replacement is necessary
Problems With The Outside Unit
Are none of the above issues the reason behind your loud AC? If so, there might be a problem with your outdoor unit. As outdoor units age or malfunction, problems with the compressor can start to occur, in this case, replacement is needed.
A piece of debris stuck in the outdoor AC’s compressor fan can cause a loud rattling sound. To remove the obstruction, turn off the unit. Once this is done, check for any condenser coils, compressor, or fan damage.
Problems With The Inside Unit
If there are no problems with your outside unit, your inside unit could be the reason for the noise you are hearing. If the indoor unit’s blower is old or malfunctioning, replacement is necessary.
A worn or misaligned causes a squealing sound that varies based on temperature and humidity levels that cause the belt to expand or contract. In this scenario, an AC repair or replacement is necessary
Other Problems That Lead To A Loud AC
If there are no issues with the AC itself, the problem could be coming from elsewhere, such as the heat pump, ductwork, or indoor furnace.
Heat Pump
If the compressor motor is trumpeting or hissing, even though the heat pump is shut off, this means that the internal refrigerant value is leaking. To fix this, schedule repair work with a specialist
When working normally, a quiet rush of air will be coming out of the ductwork. However, if you hear a hiss, this means that coolant is leaking and that the ducts are improperly sealed. Problems with ductwork require an HVAC team’s immediate attention.
Minor HVAC Issues
If your furnace is squealing or screeching, the belt or motor bearing is malfunctioning. Either correct the lubricating oil that is being used or, if this doesn’t work, schedule an inexpensive repair with a professional. A “thwapping” noise indicates that something is stuck in the fan blades.
Though not dangerous, this scenario can shorten the motor’s lifespan. The solution is easy, simply shut off the blower and, carefully, remove the blockage.
When turning the system on and off, a clicking sound is normal. However, it’s abnormal to hear a clicking sound coming from the control panel or outside compressor. If this occurs, simply reset the system
Major HVAC Issues
A handful of scenarios require you to call a specialist ASAP. This includes banging that indicates a large piece of the furnace needs to be checked and replaced, vibrating that indicates the motor is off-balanced and rumbling which can be associated with combustion. Rumbling associated with combustion can occur with gas or oil-fired systems.
Other Possible Issues
You will hear a short, high-pitched chirping if two parts of the furnace are rubbing together without proper lubrication. If the chirping stops, the issue is most likely minor. Just remember to inform an HVAC technician about the noise during your next maintenance visit. However, if the chirping doesn’t go away, or turns into a squeal, call an expert.
Contact The Professionals Today!
Schedule an appointment with the professionals at Tim’s Southern Air today and get the answers to what has been making your AC so noisy. Continue listening for any weird noises and have regular HVAC inspections to keep your unit safe! We are also offering air conditioning services in Lafayette on behalf of Tim’s Southern Air!